2015年3月2日 星期一

3rd Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio&Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 3rd Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
The planetary alignment is favorable, and you're in the process of reaping the benefits, Scorpio. It was only a matter of becoming aware of and settling certain matters related to your need for social recognition. Don't be so hungry for approval, Scorpio. Everybody contains a stern inner parent and can survive comfortably in total self-sufficiency. In fact, it's your greatest strength.





Love Horoscope
Today's aspects may mean that your partner (current or prospective) is a little reluctant to get into the immediate spirit of love, but given some encouragement, they will soon perk up. As people often have a tendency to give to others what they would like to receive themselves, perhaps a color-coordinated mobile phone, or a book of exotic love techniques would rouse your love interest's interest.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
You may feel hemmed in by the role models society currently offers. As you struggle to reach your own definition of the truly innovative achiever, other people sometimes criticize your rather liberated attitude. Just because your ideas aren't in sync with theirs in no way invalidates them. If your ideas are too radical, theirs are too conventional. There's room for both viewpoints.





Love Horoscope
Secretly you have been looking forward to today, but you wouldn't dare let anyone else know this. The present planetary positions encourage you to hide your passionate feelings under a mask of indifference. However, you would be advised to give someone at least a hint of what lies bubbling beneath your apparent cynicism. Be generous and share your Belgian chocolates - let them know your love is true.




