2015年3月6日 星期五

7th Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio&Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 7th Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Mundane and perhaps boring tasks could take up much of your morning, Scorpio, but you will need to get them out of the way so you can move on to more exciting projects. More paperwork might be required in order to get these things started, but you will get it done quickly and efficiently. Keep on plugging along. You're on the right track!





Love Horoscope
The celestial atmosphere today gives an opportunity to learn a few things, and to get all fired up and back on track. But don't expect this to be true only of your career; this aspect can also create a very positive effect on your romantic life. You only need to find something that makes you feel excited to be able to meet someone who resonates with your enthusiasm.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
A get-together with a current or potential romantic partner could lead to some stimulating discussions of concepts that interest you both, Sagittarius. You could make plans for future enterprises that bring you closer together. This is a good day to advance any relationships that involve mutual intellectual interests. Expect to spend much of your time in bookstores with your friend!




Love Horoscope
You will feel a lot better today, with the current planetary aspect, if you come out of your shell. Stop hiding behind excuses, routines, and timetables. Get yourself a life. If you want the relationship of your dreams, then stop dreaming and go out and do something that really makes you feel good, as your enthusiasm will rub off on others and draw them to you like a magnet.



2015年3月5日 星期四

6th Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio&Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 6th Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Things should be going well for you in the love and romance department, Scorpio, but you could find that today things get a bit tenuous. While you want things to be clear and planned out, it could be that your partner longs for more freedom and spontaneity. Tension may result if either party becomes too set in their ways. The tension may arise when neither partner wants to take the lead.




Love Horoscope
You always love the challenge of a riddle, and today's astral configuration offers you one puzzle that you will certainly want to find the answer to. It concerns a certain person who seems to be immune to your irresistible charm. You are desperately searching for a way to get closer to them with the intention of getting a date. Use your natural genius to suggest a way forward.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
People may be wondering how to proceed while you're off doing your own thing. Don't go in one direction and leave someone else behind, Sagittarius. In matters regarding love and romance, you may have to slow down and communicate with your partner. Take the lead and try not to get slowed down by other people's indecisiveness. You know which direction to go, so go there.




Love Horoscope
The celestial atmosphere indicates that before you can begin to involve your love interest in those emotional escapades that you enjoy so much, you will need to find a more intellectual approach. You may not capture their heart straight away, but you could well capture their imagination with your sense of humor and ability to talk on almost every subject under the sun.



2015年3月4日 星期三

5th Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio&Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 5th Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
You may need to make some mental adjustments in order to get on the same wavelength as other people today, Scorpio. You may not see what all the fuss is about. Don't take things too seriously and don't feel like you need to make sense of every detail that presents itself. Some things are best left unknown. Enjoy the diversity in your world and respect the differences in other people's approaches.





Love Horoscope
The astral configuration today really helps you to understand just where the line has been drawn in terms of a certain close relationship, and how much further the boundaries could be extended if you and your partner (current or prospective) are prepared to do so. You do not need to opt for total change, but you will need to refine some of the ways that you interact.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
There may be important lessons about balance that come up today, Sagittarius. Make sure you're ready to handle the fire, because it will be coming at you. Egos are large, and everyone is going to have an opinion on everything. Tension may exist, but this doesn't mean you should back down from your position. Be flexible and understanding, but don't necessarily assume that you're wrong.





Love Horoscope
This is a rare chance to do some talking with your loved one and find out if you are both happy. The position of the planets means it would be great if you could be honest with each other and discuss those issues that may be a cause for concern. If you can't get to the core of these difficulties in one go, then just do the best you can.



2015年3月3日 星期二

4th Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio&Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 4th Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Family members could spring some surprising news on you today, Scorpio. This news may concern people you know or perhaps a family member has some interesting plans of his or her own that you weren't aware of. Although positive, this news could throw you for a loop. It should definitely cause you to alter your thinking in some way. Don't let emotion overwhelm logic right now.




Love Horoscope
Today's aspects mean you will be meeting someone exciting. Not only do they look exciting, they also have a lovely turn of phrase, and some extremely fascinating ideas. You are bowled over, so much so that it may prove difficult for you to stop talking long enough to listen to what they have to say. Which is a shame, as you may hear something to your advantage.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
Invitations to some exciting social events in your neighborhood could come today, Sagittarius. You might hear from some friends who are planning to attend, so you could be enthusiastically looking forward to these events. You will enjoy getting together with your friends. Bear in mind that you could also meet new people who prove to be valuable business contacts. Make sure you look your best!




Love Horoscope
You like to be wooed ever so gently in any romantic situation, and do not appreciate the kind of approach that doesn't take into account your delicate sensibilities. Yet with today's planetary alignment, you may, for once, actually find yourself wanting to be immediately seduced by someone incredibly special. You will forget your usual standards of behavior in your eagerness to experience the warmth of this person's embrace!!




2015年3月2日 星期一

3rd Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio&Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 3rd Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
The planetary alignment is favorable, and you're in the process of reaping the benefits, Scorpio. It was only a matter of becoming aware of and settling certain matters related to your need for social recognition. Don't be so hungry for approval, Scorpio. Everybody contains a stern inner parent and can survive comfortably in total self-sufficiency. In fact, it's your greatest strength.





Love Horoscope
Today's aspects may mean that your partner (current or prospective) is a little reluctant to get into the immediate spirit of love, but given some encouragement, they will soon perk up. As people often have a tendency to give to others what they would like to receive themselves, perhaps a color-coordinated mobile phone, or a book of exotic love techniques would rouse your love interest's interest.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
You may feel hemmed in by the role models society currently offers. As you struggle to reach your own definition of the truly innovative achiever, other people sometimes criticize your rather liberated attitude. Just because your ideas aren't in sync with theirs in no way invalidates them. If your ideas are too radical, theirs are too conventional. There's room for both viewpoints.





Love Horoscope
Secretly you have been looking forward to today, but you wouldn't dare let anyone else know this. The present planetary positions encourage you to hide your passionate feelings under a mask of indifference. However, you would be advised to give someone at least a hint of what lies bubbling beneath your apparent cynicism. Be generous and share your Belgian chocolates - let them know your love is true.




2015年3月1日 星期日

2nd Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio&Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 2nd Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Today's energy will help you take steps toward getting things in order, Scorpio. Tackle the drawers, closets, storage rooms, and cabinets. Organization is a good activity for today. Creating order brings a sense of peace and personal control. Mental organization like goal setting, budgeting, or scheduling will add to this feeling. Sift through and clean out as many corners as you can.





Love Horoscope
Things may be somewhat deceptive today, due to the present celestial atmosphere. It's not that you intend to distrust a certain person when they disclose the way they are feeling, yet something just doesn't quite seem to ring true, although you may not be able to put your finger on why this is. It may be best, at least for now, to listen to your intuition.





Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
The energy of the day makes you ready for almost anything, Sagittarius. Given your sometimes radical approach to whatever you do, you may need to rein yourself in. You also have a humanitarian approach to life. If the pursuit of your wants hurts others, it could create serious internal conflict. With this high energy, think your plans through before taking action to remain true to your values.






Love Horoscope
Today's aspect may encourage you to want to escape into the romance of your dreams. And while a certain person may seem to be the ideal companion for such an escapade, it may be best to take a more down-to-earth-view of the proceedings before getting too carried away. By all means, enjoy a great time together, but also be aware that things could change.



2015年2月28日 星期六

1st Mar 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : 1st Mar , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Feed your mind new knowledge, Scorpio. Visit a bookstore or read some interesting information on the web. If you have more time, visit the library or find out about some courses that might be perfect for you. There's knowledge to be had everywhere you look, provided you're open to receiving it. People are often the best resource. Ask someone to explain something, if that's what you need.






Love Horoscope
If love drops in on you like a bolt of lightning from the blue, then you can chalk it up to the current position of the planets. You no more expected to fall head-over-heels for someone when you woke up this morning, than you would expect to see a pig fly. But life is full of surprises, so be prepared for some interesting times ahead.





2015年2月26日 星期四

Feb 27th Daily&Love Horoscope (Scorpio)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : Feb 27th , 2015


Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Focus on yourself today, Scorpio. Take note of your health. You probably know that this is something you must take care of always, not just sometimes. Daily routines are important. It's up to you to stick to them. The little things like taking vitamins, staying active, and relaxing help maintain a healthy body. If you aren't feeling your best, make your habits more conducive to glowing health.





Love Horoscope
This is a wonderful time for all kinds of social occasions, with the favorable aspect today. If you are in a permanent relationship, then you may both your lives enriched by a new circle of friends. If you are single, then include some purple in your outfit to attract a good-humored love interest, and be sure to have a few new jokes on hand to share.





2015年2月14日 星期六

Feb 15th Daily&Love Horoscope (Libra & Scorpio & Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : Feb 15th , 2015


Libra - 天秤座

Daily Horoscope
Break through the potential moodiness of the day, Libra. Burst into song while walking down the street. Encourage others to sing back to you, as if your life were an opera. Your creativity is extra strong at this point, so let it shine in unexpected areas of your world. You have the wonderful ability to turn even the most mundane situations into something exciting.




Love Horoscope
The current astrological aspect could expand your horizons considerably by producing the right kind of cosmic climate for an interesting meeting to take place. But you will need to recognize the opportunity when you see it. You will also need to take the initiative in introducing yourself and getting the conversation flowing. If you don't take action, nothing will happen - so what are you waiting for?





Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
You may be plagued with restlessness, Scorpio, to the point that you may not be able to get anything done. If you sense that this is happening to you even in the slightest degree, stop whatever you're doing and take a break. Your work isn't worth the sacrifice of your sanity. Consider going to a spa or call up a friend with a hot tub so you can soak in some warm, relaxing water for a while.




Love Horoscope
This could be quite a day for socializing, and will certainly bring you into contact with some very interesting people. As far one person in particular is concerned, you will certainly be able to learn a thing or two. In fact, as the relationship between you develops, you will discover that this person has much to teach you about many things.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
Be careful of exerting your will too strongly toward someone who really isn't receptive to it, Sagittarius. Be conscious of other people's feelings. Be gentle when it comes to love and romance. You have a yellow light, which means that it's OK to proceed. Be careful that the other person is receptive to your advances. Don't come across as too aggressive and end up making a fool of yourself.




Love Horoscope
The current astrological aspect encourages a departure in the way that you relate to those closest to you. You may have the sudden realization that you have been following the same routine day in and day out, and allowing the same situations to affect you for better or worse. Now it is time to change, and move to a whole new level.




2015年2月13日 星期五

Feb 14th Daily&Love Horoscope (Libra & Scorpio & Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : Feb 14th , 2015


Libra - 天秤座

Daily Horoscope
Opportunity is the name of the game for you, Libra. Don't turn out the lights
before you make sure you've explored all your options today. Inspiration 
may come in a flash of unexpected thought, so make sure you have a pad 
and pencil handy. A good idea could be disguised as something 
insignificant, but if anyone is able to see the potential in something, it's you.




Love Horoscope
Emotions may peak today. It is no good trying to hold onto a certain opinion, especially if it is part of a highly charged issue . You really need to let go and help heal the situation by talking honestly about how you feel. There is no need to fear that this will end up making things worse; it can only make things infinitely better.




Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Today you may be asked to choose between the old and the new, Scorpio. It's as if people are protesting in some manner and you're being asked to join in the ranks of those wishing to see change. Make sure you honestly assess all the available information before you automatically dismiss the situation as foolish. You should seriously consider lending a hand to the fight.



Love Horoscope
Issues appear too sensitive and sentimental for your liking today. You don't like to investigate these kinds of matters too deeply for fear of what you might find out, or even worse, what you may have to admit to. You may be able to rationalize your feelings to an extent, but you won't be able to eradicate them altogether.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
Your inner strength and courage are tremendous today. You will find that people naturally gravitate toward you, Sagittarius. Accept this flood of energy and put it to good use however you see fit. A spark of genius may hit you sometime during the day. It will have you up all night working on a new invention.



Love Horoscope
If you have been silently pursuing someone special, then you may find that you make some measurable progress today in getting to know them. The astral energy makes you more determined than ever to push aside your inhibitions and find some way into their heart. But at the same time, don't force the issue; otherwise you may put them off. Go at it gently.




2015年2月12日 星期四

Feb 13th Daily&Love Horoscope (Libra & Scorpio & Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : Feb 13th , 2015


Libra - 天秤座

Daily Horoscope
A powerful desire for change could have you thinking of traveling, Libra, or
perhaps relocating to a distant state or foreign country. Friends who live far
away could be trying to convince you to join them. This isn't a minor 
decision. It requires careful thought. You might be tempted to act 
impulsively,  but wait for a while. In a few days, you will know if the change 
is right for you.




Love Horoscope
If you have been wondering how you can create an opportunity to stabilize 
and enhance your current relationship, then the current planetary aspect 
may help you to do just that. It will encourage you both to share your 
feelings,  and also to create some way to channel your caring and sharing 
into positive activities that will enable you both to grow and flourish.




Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Some vivid and interesting dreams could bring a lot of repressed memories 
up and force you to confront them. This could be a bit disconcerting, 
Scorpio, but still positive. Psychological obstacles to financial success and 
romantic happiness could be cleared away, which could change your life. 
It's vital that you write down your dreams. You won't want to miss out on this.



Love Horoscope
You may find that if you are going out on a date today, it will not be as
thought provoking as you had hoped, and could even be more than a little
nerve-racking. This is because rather than spending the time chatting away, 
you may be forced to acknowledge why you feel the way you do about a 
certain issue.



Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
A transformation in your circle of friends could occur today and change 
your life, Sagittarius. Someone exciting could move in nearby, and you 
could hit it off. Expect stimulating conversations and fascinating new 
information. If you aren't currently involved, this person could be a 
potential romance. At least you will make a new friend. Take a close look 
and don't initiate things too quickly.




Love Horoscope
You will enjoy this day because it gives you a chance to give shape to your
feelings, and to do something concrete to improve the quality of your current
relationship. Whether this is in the form of a gift, or perhaps something that
you enjoy doing together, try and make it new and exciting. Give yourselves
something to celebrate.





2015年2月11日 星期三

Feb 12th Daily&Love Horoscope (Libra & Scorpio & Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : Feb 12th , 2015


Libra - 天秤座

Daily Horoscope
Ideas and insights coming from deep within your psyche are likely to increase
your effectiveness in whatever work you do today, Libra. Your mind is
particularly practical and logical. When coupled with an increased intuition,
these abilities are invaluable. You might be most effective working solo, but
if that isn't possible, you should still accomplish whatever you set out to do,
and do it well.



Love Horoscope
A message brings you something of a shock today. But after you have read the
words over and over, and taken it all in several times, you will realize that,
in fact, the romantic situation it refers to is not about to end, but is about
to enter an exciting and very new phase. So you can stop trembling, and
celebrate instead!




Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
Today you could attend more than one social event, Scorpio. Some of your
professional colleagues will probably be there. Conversations are going to
focus primarily on business development and the economy in general. A lot of
useful information could result from social contacts with others in your field.
Write it all down. You will want to remember it so you can make use of it later.



Love Horoscope
Today you are able to express the more unique and original side of your 
nature without others thinking you are becoming very strange. If you have 
something to say to a loved one, or a message to give to a potential love 
interest, then you will succeed in getting it across to them if it is done in 
a very unusual way. Don't use the conventional methods.





Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
You tend to prefer intellectual and philosophical rather than practical
pursuits, Sagittarius, but today you may feel especially practical and more
inclined to want to get as many routine tasks out of the way as you can. This
could involve chores around the house that you've neglected for a few days.
Other members of your household could pitch in. Go to it. You will be glad 
you did.



Love Horoscope
You may receive quite an intense communication today from someone very 
special. You certainly won't have been expecting it, and once you have it in 
your hands you won't be quite sure what to make of it, or whether this person 
really does mean what they say. However, you can rest assured that they are 
telling truth, and you can believe them.





2015年2月10日 星期二

Feb 11th Daily&Love Horoscope (Libra & Scorpio & Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : Feb 11th , 2015


Libra - 天秤座

Daily Horoscope
You seem to have the bad habit of putting off until tomorrow what you can do
today, Libra, especially those little daily things that seem to pile up, like
writing letters, paying bills, getting a health checkup, or cleaning the house.
However, today is a great day to deal with these monotonous tasks, so seize 
the moment.



Love Horoscope
You may be feeling nervous today about an up and coming meeting with 
someone special. It's as though you don't quite know how you are supposed 
to be, what tone of voice to adopt, or what kind of clothes to wear, and end 
up trying a whole wardrobe of things on and then taking them off again. 
Relax, and just be natural and spontaneous.




Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
When you least expect it, success comes into your life. You can say goodbye to
the dreariness of daily routine, fears, and changing moods. You're now 
entering a period of wonderful good luck and success. All this comes despite 
the fact that sometimes you might lack confidence in yourself. That doesn't 
matter anymore, because success is on your side from now on.




Love Horoscope
You can either weave some skillful magic with your words, or become caught 
up in a web of lies, depending on how you cope with a certain amorous 
situation. It would pay you to just pause for a moment or two and watch the 
kind of image you are portraying. If you catch a glimpse of something false, 
express yourself more authentically.




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
Life just seems to be smiling on you at the moment, Sagittarius. Some sort of
mystical force has entered your life and is enriching your contact and with
other people. It allows you to make a success of anything you undertake. Luck
is really on your side, and you're on cloud nine. Have you made friends with
the angels up there yet?




Love Horoscope
The boundaries between you and another may be very unclear today. You 
may  feel as though you have somehow merged with them and they with you,
and there  will certainly be some very powerful emotions at work. Although 
this may feel  rather wonderful right now, it would be better to try and retain
some sense of  your own space and personality.




2015年2月9日 星期一

Feb 10th Daily&Love Horoscope (Libra & Scorpio & Sagittarius)

Article from Horoscope.com

Date : Feb 10th , 2015


Libra - 天秤座

Daily Horoscope
You need to be more spontaneous, Libra, and stop trying to organize other
people's lives. You will see that it isn't so hard to just let things happen.
The unexpected also has a special charm. You're a slave to routine. You need 
to take a big bite out of life and put your trust in chance for a while. The
people around you would like to see more originality in your personality.
Listen to them.




Love Horoscope
The celestial alignment may make you feel hopelessly in love. While this is
certainly a delightful experience and one that you will no doubt be hopeful to
have last as long as possible, you would also be advised to get a more 
balanced viewpoint of your condition, if love can be called such. No one is 
perfect, and to admit this now may save you heartbreak later.





Scorpio - 天蠍座

Daily Horoscope
You're a hard worker, Scorpio, and you expect the same from the people 
around you. Today you may want to take a look at your personal and work 
relationships. Demanding person that you are, you may be concerned about 
the quality of your friendships. Don't be afraid to separate good from bad. 
Life is too short to devote your energy to bad relationships.



Love Horoscope
You may be fated to meet someone very interesting today whom you find so
mysterious and intriguing that your endless curiosity is running wild trying to
find out more about them. You love to talk and ask questions, but the kind of
knowledge you seek is not always found in conversation. There are other ways
and means of communicating one to the other, which may yield a different
quality of information!




Sagittarius - 射手座

Daily Horoscope
Watch for any errors in orientation or strategic mistakes, Sagittarius. You may
be having some communication problems with almost everyone today. You 
feel  like whatever you say falls on deaf ears and that no one really wants to 
listen to you. Don't get frustrated. Relax and see it with humor. Just be an 
observer for one day and see what happens.




Love Horoscope
This is a magical day for love and romance. Yet it could also be a day when 
you understand how you have been deluding yourself with respect to certain 
aspects of your partner (current or prospective)'s behavior. You may have 
thought that when they said or did a certain thing they were doing it to annoy 
you, when in fact they only had your interests at heart.


